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Denmark, Ireland, and Switzerland Lead the Way in Global Competitiveness Index 2023


The recently published 2023 Global Competitiveness Index by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) has unveiled Denmark, Ireland, and Switzerland as the top three most competitive economies among the 64 nations surveyed. This article explores the rankings, key findings, and notable advancements and challenges faced by various countries.

Global Competitiveness Index 2023: Top Three Economies


Denmark maintains its first-place position from last year, showcasing exceptional competitiveness. The country’s efficient utilization of markets and trading partners continue to contribute to its success.


Making a remarkable leap from 11th place in the previous year, Ireland secures the second spot. Its ability to capitalize on market access and trading opportunities enhances its competitiveness.


Despite dropping from second place in 2022 and first place in 2021, Switzerland maintains its position in the top three. The country strategically utilizes its market access and trading partners to sustain competitiveness.

Top 10 Economies in the 2023 Global Competitiveness Index Rank:

  1. Denmark
  2. Ireland
  3. Switzerland
  4. Singapore
  5. Netherlands
  6. Taiwan
  7. Hong Kong
  8. Sweden
  9. United States
  10. United Arab Emirates

Global Competitiveness Index 2023: India’s Position: Progress Amidst Challenges

India, securing the 40th position, experiences a slight drop of three ranks. However, it indicates an improvement compared to its consistent 43rd position between 2019 and 2021. The IMD report highlights areas of advancement and challenges faced by India in its pursuit of competitiveness.

Areas of Improvement:

  1. Government Efficiency:
    India demonstrates improvement in government efficiency, reflecting positive developments in governance and public administration.
  2. Exchange Rate Stability:
    The stability of India’s exchange rate plays a significant role in boosting its competitiveness score, contributing to a favorable business environment.
  3. Compensation Levels and Pollution Control:
    India’s competitive score benefits from its compensation levels and efforts to improve pollution control, emphasizing a focus on sustainable practices.

Global Competitiveness Index 2023: Noteworthy Advancements

  1. Ireland’s Remarkable Leap:
    Ireland’s ascent from 11th to second place demonstrates its commitment to competitiveness. The country’s access to markets and trading partners has played a pivotal role in its remarkable progress.
  2. Singapore’s Consistency:
    Despite falling one spot to fourth place, Singapore remains a highly competitive economy. The country’s ability to leverage its market access and maintain consistency in competitiveness is commendable.
  3. India’s Progress:
    India’s ranking at 40th position represents an improvement from its previous position of 43rd. Notable strengths for India include exchange rate stability, compensation levels, and advancements in pollution control. However, challenges such as maintaining high GDP growth, controlling inflation and fiscal deficit, and accelerating digital transformation need to be addressed.

Challenges and Regional Insights:

  1. Europe’s Prominence:
    European economies dominate the top 10 rankings in 2023, with Denmark, Switzerland, Ireland, Netherlands, and Sweden showcasing their competitive prowess. However, Sweden slipped four places from the previous year.
  2. South American Lag:
    Six South American countries occupy the bottom 10 positions in the index, with Venezuela ranking last at 64th place. Argentina, Mongolia, South Africa, Brazil, Botswana, and Colombia also face competitiveness challenges.
  3. Arab World Advancements:
    Saudi Arabia climbs seven places to reach the 17th rank globally and ranks third in the Arab world. Qatar improves by six places, securing the 12th position worldwide and second in the Arab world. Bahrain advances five places to claim the 25th spot globally and fourth in the Arab world. The United Arab Emirates maintains its leadership in the Arab world, securing the tenth position globally. Jordan sees a two-place advancement, ending at 54th place globally but last in the Arab world at the sixth position.


The 2023 Global Competitiveness Index sheds light on the top-performing economies and their unique approaches to achieving competitiveness. It also highlights the advancements made by various countries and the challenges they face. The rankings serve as a valuable reference for policymakers and stakeholders to strategize and foster long-term value creation, ultimately contributing to the global economy’s growth and development.

Global Competitiveness Index 2023 – FAQs

Q1: What is the Global Competitiveness Index 2023?

Ans: The International Institute for Management Development (IMD) has released a study called the Global Competitiveness Index 2023 that evaluates economies across 64 examined countries according to how competitive they are.

Q2: How did Ireland secure the second spot in the Global Competitiveness Index 2023?

Ans: Ireland improved its competitiveness by utilising market access and trading possibilities to move up from 11th to second place.

Q3: What improvements did India make in the Global Competitiveness Index 2023?

Ans: India saw gains in governmental effectiveness, currency rate stability, pay scales, and pollution management, which helped to boost its competitiveness.


  • Priti Palit, an accomplished edtech writer, boasts a wealth of experience in preparing candidates for multiple government exams. With a passion for education and a keen eye for detail, she has contributed significantly to the field of online learning. Priti's expertise and dedication continue to empower aspiring individuals in their pursuit of success in government examinations.

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