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Pakistan’s Economic Crisis – Shortage of Dollars Paralyzes Imports

Pakistan Economic Crisis

Pakistan is currently grappling with a severe economic crisis characterized by a shortage of dollars, leading to a complete halt in the import of essential food and beverages. The situation has resulted in stranded containers at ports, incurring fines and additional charges for traders. The lack of sufficient foreign exchange, compounded by the Pakistan State Bank’s inability to provide support, has further exacerbated the country’s economic challenges.

  1. Importers Forced to Suspend Imports:
    Due to the unavailability of dollars, commercial dealers across Pakistan have been compelled to suspend imports. Banks have refused to provide necessary foreign currency, leaving importers with no choice but to halt shipments. The Karachi Wholesale Grocers Association Society has taken the decision to dispatch no shipments after June 25.
  2. Depletion of Foreign Reserves:
    The dollar crisis in Pakistan can be primarily attributed to the depletion of the country’s foreign reserves over the past year. Devastating floods in northwestern Pakistan and disruptions in oil supplies during the Russia-Ukraine war have significantly affected the economy. The inability to pay high tariffs on imported oil has contributed to the current crisis.
  3. Political and Economic Challenges:
    Amidst a political crisis that emerged when Imran Khan was voted out of office in April 2022, the new Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif, faced difficulties in arranging loans. This led to frequent visits to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in search of bailout packages. The political and economic instability has further strained Pakistan’s ability to address the dollar crisis effectively.
  4. High Inflation and Economic Hardships:
    Pakistan is grappling with a 50-year high inflation rate, pushing a significant portion of the population towards poverty. The government established centers for the distribution of free wheat flour to alleviate the burden on people. However, stampedes at these centers resulted in fatalities and setbacks. High inflation, unemployment, and low GDP growth rates have put Pakistan at a disadvantage compared to its neighboring nations.
  5. Reliance on Foreign Loans and Debt Repayment:
    Pakistan heavily relies on foreign loans, making the government dependent on external assistance and exposing the country to the risk of bankruptcy. Repaying nearly $80 million in debt, with a significant portion owed to China, poses a challenge in the coming years. While recent reports indicate a $1 billion loan from China, the sustainability of such aid remains uncertain.


Pakistan’s shortage of dollars and the consequent halt in imports have plunged the country into a severe economic crisis. With importers forced to suspend shipments and foreign reserves depleted, the government faces significant political and economic challenges. High inflation rates, economic hardships, and reliance on foreign loans further compound the difficulties. Addressing these issues and stabilizing the economy will require comprehensive measures and sustainable solutions.

Pakistan’s Economic Crisis – FAQs

Q1: What is the current economic crisis faced by Pakistan?

Ans: The import of necessary foods and beverages has completely stopped in Pakistan due to a severe economic crisis caused by a lack of cash.

Q2: What factors have contributed to Pakistan’s dollar crisis?

Ans: The reduction of Pakistan’s foreign reserves over the previous year is to blame for the country’s current dollar dilemma. The economy has been severely impacted by devastating floods and disruptions in oil supplies, making it difficult to afford the high taxes on imported oil.

Q3: What are the consequences of the economic crisis on the population?

Ans: High inflation rates brought on by the economic crisis have pushed a sizable section of Pakistan’s people into poverty. The government has put policies in place to lighten the load, such providing free wheat flour. However, there have been setbacks, including deaths from stampedes.


  • Priti Palit, an accomplished edtech writer, boasts a wealth of experience in preparing candidates for multiple government exams. With a passion for education and a keen eye for detail, she has contributed significantly to the field of online learning. Priti's expertise and dedication continue to empower aspiring individuals in their pursuit of success in government examinations.

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