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Shalini Singh Creates History as First Female NCC Cadet to Complete Mountaineering Course

Shalini Singh NCC Cadet

Shalini Singh, a 20-year-old NCC cadet from Lucknow, has achieved a remarkable feat by becoming the first female cadet in India to successfully complete the advanced mountaineering course. Her accomplishment in scaling a 15,400-foot peak in the Dring Valley of Uttarkashi district, Uttarakhand has made her a trailblazer in the field.

Training and Support

Under the guidance of Colonel Puneet Srivastava, commander of the 67 UP Battalion NCC Lucknow, Shalini received the necessary resources and specialized training to excel in her endeavors. The training course took place in Tekla, Uttarkashi, from April 26 to May 6. Despite facing challenging conditions and subzero temperatures reaching -14 degrees Celsius, Shalini persevered and completed the month-long training.

Inspiration for Others

Shalini expressed her hope that her achievements would inspire other girls to pursue similar adventures in the future. As the lone female cadet among a team of 45 NCC cadets, she demonstrated her determination and dedication throughout the course. Her journey included rigorous training in rock climbing, rappelling, snow and ice climbing, as well as camping. The cadets were also required to undergo physical fitness tests and medical examinations to ensure their readiness for the course.


Shalini Singh’s historic accomplishment as the first female NCC cadet to complete the mountaineering course is a testament to her resilience and passion for adventure. Her success highlights the progress being made in breaking gender barriers and empowering women in traditionally male-dominated fields. Shalini’s journey serves as an inspiration for young girls across the country to pursue their dreams fearlessly and overcome any obstacles they may encounter.

Shalini Singh Creates History as First Female NCC Cadet – FAQs

Q1: What is the significance of Shalini Singh’s achievement?

Ans: The fact that Shalini Singh is the first female NCC cadet to successfully finish the climbing course makes her achievement all the more noteworthy. Her success serves as a testament to the dismantling of gender barriers and inspires more women to engage in similar activities.

Q2: How did Shalini Singh receive support and training for the course?

Ans: Shalini’s efforts to complete the climbing course were aided by the resources and specialised training made available by Colonel Puneet Srivastava, commander of the 67 UP Battalion NCC Lucknow.

Q3: What challenges did Shalini Singh face during the training?

Ans: During the training, Shalini Singh had to deal with difficult circumstances, such as subzero temperatures that dropped as low as -14 degrees Celsius. She did, however, show tenacity and fortitude in overcoming these challenges and finishing the course.


  • Priti Palit, an accomplished edtech writer, boasts a wealth of experience in preparing candidates for multiple government exams. With a passion for education and a keen eye for detail, she has contributed significantly to the field of online learning. Priti's expertise and dedication continue to empower aspiring individuals in their pursuit of success in government examinations.

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