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7th UN Global Road Safety Week From 15th May to 21st May

7th UN Global Road Safety Week

The UN Global Road Safety Week is an annual event organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN regional commissions to raise awareness about road safety and accident prevention. This global campaign aims to encourage people to take steps to prevent accidents and make the roads safer.

UN Global Road Safety Week 2023 Theme – Sustainable Transport

The 7th UN Global Road Safety Week will take place from May 15-21, 2023, with a focus on sustainable transport. The event’s theme emphasizes the need for governments to promote a shift towards walking, cycling, and public transport. The slogan for the year is #RethinkMobility.

Importance of Road Safety Awareness

Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for people aged 5-29 years globally, as estimated by the WHO. In 2020, approximately 1.3 million road traffic deaths occurred, and many more people were injured. However, most of these accidents could have been prevented.

UN Global Road Safety Week – Raising Awareness

The UN Global Road Safety Week provides a vital opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of road safety and to encourage people to take steps to prevent accidents. By working together, we can save lives and improve the health and well-being of people worldwide.

Key Messages of the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week

The following are the key messages of the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week:

  1. Rethinking mobility is crucial – This involves investing in walking, cycling, and public transport, which can promote equity and health for people and the planet.
  2. Safety is a top priority – Safety must be at the core of efforts to reimagine mobility, putting road safety at the forefront for all road users.
  3. Design roads with the most-at-risk in mind – Road networks must be designed with the most-at-risk in mind, including children, adolescents, persons with disabilities, pedestrians, cyclists, and users of public transport.
  4. Promote walking and cycling for healthier cities – Walking and cycling, when safe, contribute to people’s health and make cities sustainable and societies equitable.
  5. Sustainable public transport is a solution – Safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable public transport solves many of society’s problems.

By promoting these messages, the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week aims to create a safer and healthier world for everyone.

UN Global Road Safety Week – FAQs

Q1: What are the key messages of the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week?

Ans: The key messages of the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week include rethinking mobility, making safety a top priority, designing roads with the most-at-risk in mind, promoting walking and cycling for healthier cities, and promoting sustainable public transport as a solution to society’s problems.

Q2: What is the purpose of the UN Global Road Safety Week?

Ans: The UN Global Road Safety Week provides a vital opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of road safety and to encourage people to take steps to prevent accidents. By working together, we can save lives and improve the health and well-being of people worldwide.

Q3: Why is road safety awareness important?

Ans: Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for people aged 5-29 years worldwide, as estimated by the WHO. In 2020, approximately 1.3 million road traffic deaths occurred, and many more people were injured. However, most of these accidents could have been prevented.


  • Priti Palit, an accomplished edtech writer, boasts a wealth of experience in preparing candidates for multiple government exams. With a passion for education and a keen eye for detail, she has contributed significantly to the field of online learning. Priti's expertise and dedication continue to empower aspiring individuals in their pursuit of success in government examinations.

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