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23 June Current Affairs 2023 in English

23 June Current Affairs 2023 refers to the latest news and events happening around the world and are relevant to our daily lives. Staying updated with the 23 June Current Affairs 2023 is essential for students who are preparing for exams, especially competitive exams, as it forms an important part of the syllabus. The importance…

By Pritipalit

23 June Current Affairs 2023 refers to the latest news and events happening around the world and are relevant to our daily lives. Staying updated with the 23 June Current Affairs 2023 is essential for students who are preparing for exams, especially competitive exams, as it forms an important part of the syllabus. The importance of the 23 June Current Affairs 2023 lies in its ability to help students enhance their general knowledge, improve their reading and comprehension skills, and develop their critical thinking abilities. 23 June Current Affairs 2023 also provides students with insights into various issues such as politics, economics, and social issues that are important for their overall development as informed citizens. Regularly reading and analyzing the 23 June Current Affairs 2023 not only helps students ace their exams but also prepares them for their future roles as responsible and well-informed citizens of society.

Virat Ramayan Temple Construction Begins, Expected to Surpass Ayodhya’s Ram Lala Temple in Size

Construction has begun on the Virat Ramayan temple in Bihar’s east Champaran district. Led by Acharya Kishor Kunal, this temple is expected to surpass the size of the under-construction Ram Lala temple in Ayodhya. With an area of 3.67 lakh square feet, the temple will feature impressive structures reaching heights of 270 feet and 198 feet. The complex will include 22 temples dedicated to Shaiva and Vaishnav gods and goddesses, covering an area of 120 acres. The construction will utilize 250 tons of Mahabalipuram granite, creating unique architectural features such as a Shivling and a Sahastra Shivling. The estimated cost of the project is ₹500 crore. Once completed, the Virat Ramayan temple will exceed the size of the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia and become a significant religious and cultural landmark. Read the complete article here

International Widows’ Day 2023

On June 23, we observe International Widows’ Day, which serves as a reminder of the difficult situations faced by many widows around the world. These widows often struggle with poverty, as they encounter financial hardships and are sometimes denied their rightful inheritance. In addition to these challenges, they also face discrimination. It becomes even more challenging when they have the added responsibility of caring for their children. The day aims to bring awareness to these issues and promote support for widows in their journey toward self-sufficiency.

The theme for International Widows’ Day 2023 is “Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality.” This theme highlights the need to use technology to empower widows and help them achieve their full potential. Read the complete article here

Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh Inaugurated Integrated Simulator Complex ‘Dhruv’ in Kochi to Enhance the Practical Training of Indian Navy Personnel

On June 21, 2023, the Integrated Simulator Complex (ISC) ‘Dhruv’ was inaugurated by the Defense Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh, at the Southern Naval Command in Kochi. It features advanced indigenous simulators that will greatly enhance practical training in the Indian Navy. These state-of-the-art simulators provide real-time experience in navigation, fleet operations, and naval tactics. Additionally, they will be utilized to train personnel from friendly nations, further strengthening international cooperation.

These cutting-edge simulators not only demonstrate technological advancements but also reflect the spirit of the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ (self-reliant India) initiative, showcasing the nation’s potential for defense exports. Read the complete article here

Ratings Agency Fitch Upgrades India’s GDP Forecast to 6.3% for FY24

Fitch has revised India’s GDP forecast for FY24 to 6.3%, citing the country’s strong momentum and impressive Q1 performance. The agency highlights India’s resilient economy, including positive indicators such as a 6.1% YoY GDP growth in Q1 and robust auto sales. Domestic demand and net trade have been significant drivers of growth. Fitch reassessed India’s economic prospects after a moderation in inflation and a recovery in the domestic economy. Although the projected growth rate for FY24 is lower than the previous year, it reflects a commendable recovery amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the complete article here

Hasmukh Adhia Appointed Chairman of GIFT City

Hasmukh Adhia, former Union Finance and Revenue Secretary has been appointed as the Chairman of GIFT City Ltd (Gujarat International Finance Tec-City Co. Ltd.) in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. He takes over from Sudhir Mankad, who has been serving as the Chairman of GIFT City since 2007.

Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City) is a financial hub in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. It is India’s first operational greenfield smart city and international financial services center, which the Government of Gujarat promoted as a greenfield project.

GIFT City Ltd is a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956. It is the special purpose vehicle (SPV) responsible for the development and management of Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City). The company is owned by the Government of Gujarat and the Gujarat Urban Development Corporation (GUDC). Read the complete article here

Surat Makes Guinness World Record for Largest Yoga Gathering

Surat, Gujarat, made history on International Yoga Day by setting the Guinness World Record for the largest yoga gathering with over 1.25 lakh participants. This event highlighted Surat’s commitment to promoting well-being through yoga. With global acceptance and the theme of unity, yoga offers numerous benefits for physical and mental health. Gujarat actively promotes yoga through initiatives like the Yog Board, fostering a harmonious way of life. Read the complete article here

India Joins NASA’s Artemis Accords for Collaborative Lunar Exploration

Prime Minister Narendra Modi showcased India’s commitment to global space cooperation and lunar exploration by signing the Artemis Accords during his US visit. These accords, initiated by NASA and the US Department of State, establish a framework for collaboration in civil space exploration, with a focus on returning humans to the Moon and expanding exploration to Mars and beyond. By signing the accords, India demonstrates its dedication to principles such as peaceful space exploration, transparency, sustainable resource utilization, and preservation of historic lunar sites. This commitment also extends to partnerships in the semiconductor industry, as Micron Technology plans to invest in a semiconductor facility in India. These initiatives solidify India’s position in global space cooperation and semiconductor technology, fostering scientific advancements and economic growth. Read the complete article here

WEF Global Gender Gap Report 2023

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has recently released the 17th edition of the Global Gender Gap Report 2023. This report assesses and evaluates the level of gender parity in 146 countries worldwide.

The Global Gender Gap Report is a valuable tool for tracking progress toward gender equality. It can help governments, businesses, and civil society organizations to identify areas where more work needs to be done to close the gender gap.

India has shown notable improvement in gender equality, moving up from the 135th position in the previous year to the 127th position out of 146 countries in the Global Gender Gap Report 2023. Read the complete article here

GoI Approves Micron’s $2.7 Billion Semiconductor Packaging Plant in India

The Indian government has approved Micron Technology’s $2.7 billion investment in a semiconductor testing and packaging unit in Gujarat. This supports India’s goal of becoming a global semiconductor hub and strengthens the country’s digital ambitions. The project will create around 5,000 jobs and enhance India’s semiconductor industry. Micron’s expertise and the US-India collaboration further contribute to this strategic investment. Read the complete article here

UK National Debt Breaches 100% of GDP for First Time Since 1961

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the United Kingdom’s (UK) public sector net debt exceeded 100% of its GDP in May. This is the first time this has happened since 1961. The debt, which doesn’t include state-controlled banks, reached £2.567 trillion ($3.28 trillion), making up 100.1% of the country’s GDP. Government borrowing in May was slightly lower than in April but still higher than expected. Meanwhile, inflation remained stable, contrary to predictions of a decrease. Read the complete article here


  • Pritipalit

    Priti Palit, an accomplished edtech writer, boasts a wealth of experience in preparing candidates for multiple government exams. With a passion for education and a keen eye for detail, she has contributed significantly to the field of online learning. Priti's expertise and dedication continue to empower aspiring individuals in their pursuit of success in government examinations.

About the author

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Virat Ramayan Temple Construction Begins, Expected to Surpass Ayodhya’s Ram Lala Temple in Size

Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh Inaugurated Integrated Simulator Complex ‘Dhruv’ in Kochi to Enhance the Practical Training of Indian Navy Personnel

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