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6th Indian Ocean Conference- IOC 2023

Indian Ocean Conference 2023 The 6th Indian Ocean Conference (IOC) took place on May 12-13, 2023, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and was organized by India Foundation in association with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh, and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore. Theme The theme for the conference was “Peace, Prosperity, and Partnership for a…

By Shubham Mittal

Indian Ocean Conference 2023

The 6th Indian Ocean Conference (IOC) took place on May 12-13, 2023, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and was organized by India Foundation in association with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh, and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.


The theme for the conference was “Peace, Prosperity, and Partnership for a Resilient Future”. The conference aimed to bring together a distinguished gathering of key stakeholders to chart the course for strengthening the Indian Ocean Region.

About the 6th IOC

  • During the 6th Indian Ocean Conference-2023 held in Bangladesh, External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar stated that the Indo-Pacific vision has become a reality in the 21st century.
  • He also appreciated Bangladesh’s “Indo-Pacific Outlook” and cautioned against nations that obstruct the region’s progress.
  • According to Jaishankar, the Indo-Pacific region reflects modern globalization and differs from the system established in 1945, which certain countries continue to support.
  • The Indian minister visited Dhaka for two days and held meetings with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and his Bangladeshi counterpart, Dr. AK Abdul Momen.

About the Indian Ocean Conference (IOC)

  • The Indian Ocean Conference (IOC) is an annual international conference that seeks to foster dialogue and cooperation among countries in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).
  • It was initiated in 2016 by the India Foundation, a think-tank based in New Delhi, and has since been hosted by various countries in the IOR.
  • The conference brings together policymakers, scholars, business leaders, and civil society representatives to discuss a range of issues related to the IOR, such as maritime security, economic cooperation, disaster management, climate change, and cultural exchanges.
  • It serves as a platform for countries in the region to exchange ideas, build networks, and explore opportunities for collaboration.

Key Objectives

  • Promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the IOR
  • Enhancing regional cooperation and Integration
  • Strengthening maritime security and safety in the region
  • Facilitating trade, investment, and economic growth
  • Fostering cultural exchanges and people-to-people contacts


  • The IOC has been attended by representatives from over 35 countries, including India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Australia, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Singapore, South Africa, and the United States, among others.
  • It has also featured prominent speakers such as former heads of state, foreign ministers, and experts on various issues related to the IOR.
  • This year there were 150 attendees from at least 25 nations were present at the meeting, but Myanmar, currently facing international pressure regarding the Rohingya crisis, is not in attendance.


  • Strengthening regional cooperation: The conference provides a platform for nations to come together and discuss issues of common interest, thereby strengthening regional cooperation.
  • Addressing security challenges: The Indian Ocean is strategically important, and the region faces various security challenges such as maritime piracy, human trafficking, and terrorism. The conference provides an opportunity to discuss these challenges and develop strategies to address them.
  • Promoting economic development: The region has enormous potential for economic development, and the conference provides a platform to discuss ways to promote economic growth and cooperation.
  • Enhancing cultural ties: The Indian Ocean region has a rich cultural heritage, and the conference provides an opportunity to enhance cultural ties among the nations.
  • Supporting India’s foreign policy goals: As the host of the conference, India can use this platform to advance its foreign policy goals and strengthen its ties with other nations in the region.

The IOC has been recognized as an important forum for promoting regional cooperation and dialogue in the IOR, which is home to over 2.7 billion people and some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes. It is seen as a platform for promoting India’s “Neighborhood First” policy, which seeks to strengthen ties with countries in the region and enhance India’s role as a key player in the IOR.

Indian Ocean Conference 2023 – IOC 2023 FAQs

Which country hosted the Indian Ocean Conference?

The Indian Ocean Conference (IOC) is an annual conference that brings together policymakers, academics, and experts from across the Indian Ocean region to discuss issues related to peace, security, and cooperation. It was first held in 2016, and since then has been hosted by countries including Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and the Maldives.
The conference is organized by the India Foundation, a think-tank based in New Delhi, in partnership with a host country.
The 6th IOC was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in May 2023. It was attended by participants from over 30 countries, including foreign ministers, diplomats, and experts. The conference focused on a range of issues related to the Indian Ocean, including maritime security, regional connectivity, and economic cooperation.

When was the first IOC held?

The Indian Ocean Conference is an annual forum that aims to promote dialogue and cooperation among countries in the Indian Ocean region. The first IOC was held in 2016 in Singapore, and it has been held in different cities in the region every year since then.
The conference brings together government officials, policymakers, scholars, business leaders, and other stakeholders from around the world to discuss issues of regional and global importance, including economic development, security, maritime cooperation, and environmental sustainability.
The conference is organized by the India Foundation, a think tank based in New Delhi, in collaboration with other organizations and governments in the region.


  • Shubham Mittal

    Shubham Mittal is a renowned current affairs writer and expert in government exam preparation, inspiring readers with insightful articles and guiding aspirants with his expertise.

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