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National Mango Day 2023: Honoring the Beloved Fruit and Indian Heritage

Introduction: The Delectable Mango Every year on July 22, National Mango Day is celebrated, paying tribute to one of the most beloved fruits worldwide—the mango. Beyond its mouthwatering taste, mango holds immense cultural significance, particularly in Indian history. Let’s explore the cultural importance of mangoes and the vibrant festivities of the International Mango Festival. Significance…

By Pritipalit

Introduction: The Delectable Mango

Every year on July 22, National Mango Day is celebrated, paying tribute to one of the most beloved fruits worldwide—the mango. Beyond its mouthwatering taste, mango holds immense cultural significance, particularly in Indian history. Let’s explore the cultural importance of mangoes and the vibrant festivities of the International Mango Festival.

Significance of International Mango Festival: A Fruit of Love and Prosperity

Mangoes hold a special place in Indian mythology and literature, symbolizing love and prosperity. The fruit is deeply connected to Indian festivals and rituals, representing abundance and good fortune. This cultural significance makes the International Mango Festival a joyous celebration of this treasured fruit.

History of International Mango Festival: From Idea to Tradition

The International Mango Festival originated from a brilliant idea by the National Horticulture Board of India in 1987, dedicated to celebrating mangoes. Over the years, it has evolved into an annual tradition, eagerly anticipated by mango enthusiasts across the nation. The festival features bustling mango markets, vibrant mango exhibitions, and a delightful array of mango-based treats.

Mangoes: A Fruit with Ancient Origins

Mangoes have a history that dates back thousands of years, with their cultivation beginning around 5,000 years ago. Revered in Indian folklore, it is believed that Lord Buddha was gifted a mango orchard to find solace under its shade. The English and Spanish names for mangoes originated from the Malayan word “manna,” altered to “manga” by the Portuguese during their spice trade expeditions to Kerala in the 1490s.

A Global Journey: Mango’s Spread from Asia to the World

The mango’s popularity spread far beyond India. Around 300-400 AD, mango seeds traveled with humans from Asia to the Middle East, East Africa, and South America. From there, it continued to captivate the taste buds of people worldwide, becoming a cherished fruit in various cultures.

Mangoes: Beyond a Fruit

In India, mangoes are not just fruits—they are symbols of love and friendship. Various parts of the mango tree, including leaves, bark, skin, pit, and flesh, have been utilized as folk remedies for centuries. Interestingly, mangoes share a family connection with cashews and pistachios, as they all belong to the Anacardiaceae family.

Conclusion: Celebrating the Fruit with Rich Traditions

National Mango Day and the International Mango Festival commemorate the beloved mango, cherished for its delectable taste and deep cultural significance in India. The festival is a vibrant testament to the enduring love for this sweet and succulent fruit, keeping alive stories from ancient times to the present day.

National Mango Day 2023 – FAQs

Q1: What is the significance of mangoes in Indian history and culture?

Ans: Mangoes are an important emblem of love and prosperity in Indian literature and folklore. The fruit is a symbol of prosperity and abundance in Indian festivities and rituals.

Q2: What is the International Mango Festival?

Ans: An annual event honouring mangoes is called the International Mango Festival. The National Horticulture Board of India came up with the concept in 1987, and since then, mango lovers all around the country have looked forward to it as a joyful ritual.

Q3: What are some cultural connections and uses of mangoes in India?

Ans: Mangoes are viewed as symbols of friendship and love in India. For millennia, the mango tree’s leaves, bark, skin, pit, and flesh have all been utilised as folk cures.


  • Pritipalit

    Priti Palit, an accomplished edtech writer, boasts a wealth of experience in preparing candidates for multiple government exams. With a passion for education and a keen eye for detail, she has contributed significantly to the field of online learning. Priti's expertise and dedication continue to empower aspiring individuals in their pursuit of success in government examinations.

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