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Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh Inaugurated Integrated Simulator Complex ‘Dhruv’ in Kochi to Enhance the Practical Training of Indian Navy Personnel

On June 21, 2023, the Integrated Simulator Complex (ISC) ‘Dhruv’ was inaugurated by the Defense Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh, at the Southern Naval Command in Kochi. About the Integrated Simulator Complex ‘Dhruv’ Simulators During the visit, the Raksha Mantri explored several simulators within the complex, including the Multi-Station Handling Simulator (MSSHS), Air Direction and Helicopter…

By Shubham Mittal

On June 21, 2023, the Integrated Simulator Complex (ISC) ‘Dhruv’ was inaugurated by the Defense Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh, at the Southern Naval Command in Kochi.

About the Integrated Simulator Complex ‘Dhruv’

  • The Integrated Simulator Complex (ISC) ‘Dhruv’ at the Southern Naval Command in Kochi features advanced indigenous simulators that will greatly enhance practical training in the Indian Navy.
  • These state-of-the-art simulators provide real-time experience in navigation, fleet operations, and naval tactics.
  • Additionally, they will be utilized to train personnel from friendly nations, further strengthening international cooperation.


During the visit, the Raksha Mantri explored several simulators within the complex, including the Multi-Station Handling Simulator (MSSHS), Air Direction and Helicopter Control Simulator (ADHCS), and Astronavigation Dome.

  • The Ship Handling Simulators, produced by ARI Pvt Ltd in New Delhi, have gained international recognition, being exported to 18 countries.
  • The Astronavigation Dome, developed by Infovision Technologies Pvt Ltd, is a unique addition to the Indian Navy, offering advanced training capabilities in astronavigation techniques.
  • The Air Direction and Helicopter Control Simulator (ADHCS), developed by the Institute for Systems Studies and Analysis (ISSA), a DRDO laboratory, offers trainees a realistic operational environment for training purposes.
  • The Integrated Simulator Complex also features other indigenous simulators such as the Combat Management System and Maritime Domain Awareness Lab.

During the inauguration, Shri Rajnath Singh had the opportunity to engage with senior representatives from the companies involved in the development of these simulators, further emphasizing the importance of collaboration and indigenous innovation in strengthening India’s defense capabilities.


  • Provides real-time experience: The simulators in the ISC Dhruv provide real-time experience in navigation, fleet operations, and naval tactics. This allows trainees to practice their skills in a safe and controlled environment.
  • Improves training efficiency: The ISC Dhruv can be used to train a large number of personnel at the same time. This improves the training efficiency and allows the Indian Navy to train more personnel in a shorter period of time.
  • Shares expertise: The ISC Dhruv can be used to train personnel from friendly nations. This allows the Indian Navy to share its expertise with other countries and to build relationships.
  • Improves operational readiness: The ISC Dhruv helps to improve the operational readiness of the Indian Navy. By providing real-time experience and improving training efficiency, the ISC Dhruv helps to ensure that Indian Navy personnel are ready to respond to any situation.

These cutting-edge simulators not only demonstrate technological advancements but also reflect the spirit of the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ (self-reliant India) initiative, showcasing the nation’s potential for defense exports.

Integrated Simulator Complex (ISC) Dhruv – FAQs

What is the Integrated Simulator Complex (ISC) Dhruv?

The Integrated Simulator Complex (ISC) Dhruv is a state-of-the-art facility that houses a number of simulators for training Indian Navy personnel. The simulators are designed to provide real-time experience in navigation, fleet operations, and naval tactics.

Where is the Integrated Simulator Complex (ISC) Dhruv located?

The Integrated Simulator Complex (ISC) Dhruv is located at the Southern Naval Command in Kochi, Kerala.

Where is the Southern Naval Command located?

The Southern Naval Command (SNC) is located in Kochi, Kerala. It is one of the three command-level formations of the Indian Navy. The SNC’s headquarters is at INS Venduruthy, which is located on Willington Island in Kochi.


  • Shubham Mittal

    Shubham Mittal is a renowned current affairs writer and expert in government exam preparation, inspiring readers with insightful articles and guiding aspirants with his expertise.

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