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YES Bank Unveiled New Logo, to roll out campaign ‘Life Ko Banao Rich’

Yes Bank New Logo Private lender YES BANK introduced its updated brand identity, revealing a new logo on Tuesday (May 30). The bank also announced its plans to launch an integrated campaign with the tagline “Life Ko Banao Rich,” highlighting its commitment to being a comprehensive solution provider. The new brand identity reflects YES Bank’s…

By Shubham Mittal

Yes Bank New Logo

Private lender YES BANK introduced its updated brand identity, revealing a new logo on Tuesday (May 30). The bank also announced its plans to launch an integrated campaign with the tagline “Life Ko Banao Rich,” highlighting its commitment to being a comprehensive solution provider. The new brand identity reflects YES Bank’s core focus on empowering customers to enhance their lives and achieve financial prosperity. The bank aims to deliver a wide range of services and solutions to meet the diverse needs of its customers, embodying its vision of holistic growth and success.

More About the News

YES Bank has unveiled its refreshed brand identity, aiming to align with the changing needs and aspirations of its customers. The new identity goes beyond traditional banking and focuses on enabling individuals to live life to the fullest. The bank’s narrative emphasizes its commitment to empowering customers and taking care of their financial needs while they focus on their priorities.

About New Logo

  • As part of the brand refresh, YES BANK has introduced a new logo that builds upon its existing visual DNA.
  • The logo features a soaring bird, representing the bank’s progressive and elevated position.
  • The logo’s design incorporates smoother edges and fluid shapes, replacing the previous angular elements.
  • Additionally, the familiar blue and red colors of the YES BANK logo have been refreshed with electric tones, symbolizing energy and innovation.

About the Campaign

  • Nipun Kaushal, Chief Marketing Officer and Head CSR of YES Bank highlighted the bank’s transformative journey over the past three years and its commitment to becoming a customer-centric franchise.
  • As custodians of the bank’s brand, they aimed to showcase the extent of this transformation in the most effective way.
  • The campaign tagline “Life Ko Banao Rich” captures the bank’s objective of encouraging customers to prioritize spending quality time and creating memories with their loved ones while entrusting their banking needs to the Bank.

About the YES Bank

Yes Bank is a private sector bank in India that provides a wide range of banking and financial services to individual and corporate customers. It was founded in 2004 by Rana Kapoor and Ashok Kapur. The bank offers services such as savings accounts, current accounts, fixed deposits, loans, credit cards, wealth management, and investment banking.

The Bank focuses on technology-driven banking solutions and has a strong presence in digital banking and mobile banking services. It aims to provide innovative and convenient banking experiences to its customers through the use of technology.

As a customer-centric bank, the Bank aims to provide personalized and responsive services to meet the financial needs of its customers. It is committed to delivering value, transparency, and trust in its banking operations.

Yes Bank in Recent News

  • In 2018, YES Bank encountered regulatory challenges when the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) imposed a moratorium on the bank due to fraudulent lending practices.
  • However, following the implementation of the YES Bank Reconstruction Scheme in March 2020, the bank has undergone substantial transformations to improve its financial position and restore profitability.

In recent years, the Bank has undergone a transformative journey and implemented various strategic initiatives to strengthen its position in the market. It has focused on improving its asset quality, enhancing governance and risk management practices, and diversifying its portfolio.


What is the motto of Yes Bank?

The motto of Yes Bank is “Life Ko Banao Rich”. This means “Make your life rich”. The motto reflects the bank’s commitment to providing its customers with the financial resources they need to live rich and fulfilling life. The bank offers a wide range of products and services to meet the needs of its customers, including savings accounts, loans, credit cards, and investment products. The Bank also offers a variety of digital banking services, making it easy for customers to manage their finances from anywhere.

Who is the CEO of Yes Bank?

The current CEO of Yes Bank is Prashant Kumar. He was appointed on October 6, 2020, and his term will end on October 5, 2023.


  • Shubham Mittal

    Shubham Mittal is a renowned current affairs writer and expert in government exam preparation, inspiring readers with insightful articles and guiding aspirants with his expertise.

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