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National Zoological Park, New Delhi celebrates World Snake Day 2023

On July 16, 2023, the National Zoological Park, New Delhi (Delhi Zoo) celebrated World Snake Day. The aim of this celebration was to protect snakes by increasing awareness about the snakes found in India, dispelling misconceptions about them, and highlighting their importance in our ecosystem. To commemorate the occasion, an enrichment activity was carried out…

By Shubham Mittal

On July 16, 2023, the National Zoological Park, New Delhi (Delhi Zoo) celebrated World Snake Day. The aim of this celebration was to protect snakes by increasing awareness about the snakes found in India, dispelling misconceptions about them, and highlighting their importance in our ecosystem. To commemorate the occasion, an enrichment activity was carried out by the snake-keeping staff, which involved providing cage furniture in the reptile house. Plantation activities were also conducted inside the snake houses.

At the reptile house, interactions took place between the snake-keeping staff and approximately 350 visitors, including young children. These interactions focused on educating visitors about snakes and promoting a healthy lifestyle in line with the Mission LiFE. Visitors had the opportunity to take a walk through the reptile house and engage with the snake keepers. The visit was met with enthusiasm, and visitors learned about the zoo’s role in conserving snakes. Informational literature on reptiles was distributed among the visitors. Currently, the National Zoological Park houses 31 snakes belonging to seven different species.

About the National Zoological Park, New Delhi

The National Zoological Park in New Delhi is one of the oldest and largest zoos in India. It was established in 1916 and is located in the heart of the city, in the area of Mathura Road.

  • The zoo is home to over 1,300 animals, representing over 130 species. Some of the animals that can be found at the zoo include lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras, rhinoceroses, tigers, and a variety of primates.
  • The zoo is divided into several sections, including the African Plains, the Asian Plains, the Primate House, the Reptile House, and the Children’s Corner.
    • The African Plains is home to lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras, and other African animals.
    • The Asian Plains is home to tigers, rhinoceroses, bears, and other Asian animals.
    • The Primate House is home to a variety of primates, including monkeys, apes, and lemurs.
    • The Reptile House is home to a variety of reptiles, including snakes, crocodiles, and turtles.
    • The Children’s Corner is a special section of the zoo that is designed for children.

The National Zoological Park is a popular tourist destination and is open to the public every day. The zoo is also a major research center and is home to a number of scientists who study animal behavior and conservation.

Some Interesting Facts About the National Zoological Park

  • The zoo is home to a number of endangered species, including the Indian rhinoceros, the snow leopard, and the lion-tailed macaque.
  • The zoo has been involved in a number of successful breeding programs, including the breeding of the Indian rhinoceros and the lion-tailed macaque.
  • The zoo is a popular tourist destination, and it is estimated that over 2 million people visit the zoo each year.
  • The zoo is a major research center, and it is home to a number of scientists who study animal behavior and conservation.


What is the history of the National Zoological Park?

The National Zoological Park was established in 1916 as the Zoological Garden. It was renamed the National Zoological Park in 1969. The zoo is located in the heart of New Delhi, in the area of Mathura Road.

What are some of the animals that can be found at the National Zoological Park?

The zoo is home to over 1,300 animals, representing over 130 species. Some of the animals that can be found at the zoo include lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras, rhinoceroses, tigers, and a variety of primates.


  • Shubham Mittal

    Shubham Mittal is a renowned current affairs writer and expert in government exam preparation, inspiring readers with insightful articles and guiding aspirants with his expertise.

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