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India begins “Operation Karuna” to assist Myanmar

Operation Karuna UPSC India has launched “Operation Karuna” to provide assistance to the people affected by Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar. On May 18th, three Indian Naval Ships, namely Shivalik, Kamorta, and Savitri, arrived in Yangon carrying essential relief supplies. These supplies include food, tents, medicines, water pumps, generators, clothes, and hygiene items. The objective is…

By Shubham Mittal

Operation Karuna UPSC

India has launched “Operation Karuna” to provide assistance to the people affected by Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar. On May 18th, three Indian Naval Ships, namely Shivalik, Kamorta, and Savitri, arrived in Yangon carrying essential relief supplies. These supplies include food, tents, medicines, water pumps, generators, clothes, and hygiene items. The objective is to support the affected individuals and provide them with the necessary resources to recover from the cyclone’s impact.

More About the News

  • Relief Efforts in Motion: Three Indian Navy ships have arrived in Yangon, Myanmar, loaded with crucial relief material, including food items, tents, medicines, water pumps, generators, clothes, and hygiene items.
  • The Plight of Rohingya Refugees: The cyclone’s impact has also affected Bangladesh, particularly Cox’s Bazar, home to Rohingya refugees. The destruction of shelters in the refugee camp adds urgency to the relief efforts.
  • Challenges in Relief Delivery: The approval process by the military regime in Myanmar has posed challenges to relief agencies, delaying the distribution of aid. Streamlining bureaucratic procedures is crucial for timely support.
  • A Symbol of Solidarity: Operation Karuna demonstrates the strong bond between India and Myanmar during crises. India’s proactive response and commitment to assisting its neighbor reflect solidarity and friendship. It showcases India as a trusted and reliable partner in times of need.

Cyclone Mocha

  • Cyclone Mocha Intensifies: Cyclone Mocha has intensified into a very severe cyclonic storm over the Bay of Bengal, with officials closely monitoring its progress.
  • Landfall and Wind Speed: The India Meteorological Department predicts that the cyclone will make landfall along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border, bringing strong winds of up to 150-160 km per hour.
  • Storm Surge Alert: An alert has been issued for a storm surge of 1.5-2 meters in the coastal region near Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh.
  • Safety Warnings: Fishermen and travelers have been advised to avoid the central and northeast Bay of Bengal and the north Andaman Sea until Sunday.
  • Emergency Operations: Dedicated emergency operation centers are operating 24/7 to effectively respond to any natural calamities.
  • Impact on Myanmar and Bangladesh: Cyclone Mocha has caused significant damage, resulting in the loss of 145 lives in Myanmar. The western Rakhine state in Myanmar and parts of neighboring Bangladesh have been particularly affected.

Operation Karuna – FAQs

What is the strongest cyclone to hit India?

The strongest cyclone to hit India is Cyclone Amphan. It made landfall on May 20, 2020, in the states of West Bengal and Odisha. Cyclone Amphan was categorized as a super cyclonic storm and had wind speeds reaching up to 185 km/h (115 mph). It caused widespread devastation, including severe flooding, storm surges, and extensive damage to infrastructure and crops. The impact of Cyclone Amphan was particularly severe in the Sundarbans region, Kolkata, and other coastal areas of West Bengal. It is considered one of the most powerful and destructive cyclones in recent history to hit India.

Which country has named Cyclone Mocha?

The name ‘Mocha’ was suggested by Yemen, which is a small fishing village in the country known for its coffee production.Hence, the upcoming cyclone was named Cyclone Mocha (Mokha) based on Yemen’s suggestion.


  • Shubham Mittal

    Shubham Mittal is a renowned current affairs writer and expert in government exam preparation, inspiring readers with insightful articles and guiding aspirants with his expertise.

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