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First Edition of the India-France-UAE Trilateral Maritime Exercise Took Place in the Gulf of Oman

India, France, and UAE Maritime Partnership Exercise From June 7 to June 9, the inaugural trilateral maritime exercise between India, France, and the UAE was conducted in the Gulf of Oman which is also known as the India, France, and UAE Maritime Partnership Exercise. This exercise involved a diverse range of naval operations, including surface…

By Shubham Mittal

India, France, and UAE Maritime Partnership Exercise

From June 7 to June 9, the inaugural trilateral maritime exercise between India, France, and the UAE was conducted in the Gulf of Oman which is also known as the India, France, and UAE Maritime Partnership Exercise. This exercise involved a diverse range of naval operations, including surface warfare, tactical firing and drills, and advanced air defense exercises. The participating countries aimed to strengthen cooperation and coordination among their naval forces through this joint exercise.

More About the India-France-UAE Trilateral Maritime Exercise

  • During the two-day trilateral maritime exercise, INS Tarkash and the French Ship Surcouf, both equipped with integral helicopters, along with French Rafale aircraft and UAE Navy Maritime Patrol Aircraft, actively participated.
  • The exercise encompassed various naval operations, including surface warfare exercises that involved tactical firing, missile engagements on surface targets, drills for helicopter cross-deck landing operations, advanced air defense exercises, and boarding operations.
  • One of the key highlights of the exercise was the cross-embarkation of personnel, allowing for the exchange of best practices and sharing of knowledge between the participating navies.
  • This facilitated a valuable opportunity for the three countries to enhance their interoperability and strengthen their maritime capabilities through collaborative efforts.

Aim of the Exercise

  • The trilateral maritime exercise between India, France, and the UAE aims to strengthen cooperation among the three countries in ensuring the safety of mercantile trade and promoting freedom of navigation on the high seas in the region.
  • By conducting this exercise, the participating nations seek to adopt measures that effectively address both traditional and non-traditional threats in the maritime environment.
  • This collaboration emphasizes the shared commitment to enhancing maritime security and stability in the region and reflects the growing importance of trilateral cooperation in addressing common challenges in the maritime domain.

Bilateral Exercises between India and France

India and France have a long history of military cooperation, and they regularly conduct bilateral exercises to improve interoperability and cooperation between their armed forces.

  • Exercise Garuda: This is a biennial air force exercise between Indian Air Force and the French Air Force.
  • Exercise Varuna: This is a biennial naval exercise between Indian Navy and the French Navy.
  • Exercise Shakti: This is a biennial army exercise between Indian Army and the French Army.

In addition to these bilateral exercises, India and France also participate in multilateral exercises such as the Malabar exercise, which is a naval exercise that also includes the United States and Japan.

Bilateral Exercises between India and UAE

India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have a strong and growing defense relationship. The two countries have conducted a number of bilateral exercises in recent years.

  • Exercise Desert Eagle: This is a biennial air force exercise between Indian Air Force and the UAE Air Force.
  • Exercise Naseem Al Bahr: This is a biennial naval exercise between Indian Navy and the UAE Navy.
  • Exercise IN-UAE BILAT: This is a biennial army exercise between Indian Army and the UAE Army.

Recent Excerices India took part in


What is the name of the maritime exercise between India and France?

The name of the maritime exercise between India and France is Exercise Varuna. It is a biennial exercise that has been conducted since 2001. The exercise is designed to improve the interoperability of the Indian Navy and the French Navy.

What is the name of the maritime exercise between India and UAE?

The name of the maritime exercise between India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is Naseem Al Bahr. It is a biennial exercise that has been conducted since 2014. The exercise is designed to improve the interoperability of the Indian Navy and the UAE Navy


  • Shubham Mittal

    Shubham Mittal is a renowned current affairs writer and expert in government exam preparation, inspiring readers with insightful articles and guiding aspirants with his expertise.

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