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Historic Move: Nagaland MP Nominated as Rajya Sabha Vice Chairperson

A Milestone in Nagaland’s Political Landscape A groundbreaking moment unfolded in Nagaland’s political sphere as S Phangnon Konyak, the lone Nagaland MP in the Rajya Sabha, was nominated as one of the vice chairpersons. This nomination highlights the BJP’s dedication to women empowerment in the region. Prestigious Nomination: Recognizing Women’s Role Chairman Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar…

By Pritipalit

A Milestone in Nagaland’s Political Landscape

A groundbreaking moment unfolded in Nagaland’s political sphere as S Phangnon Konyak, the lone Nagaland MP in the Rajya Sabha, was nominated as one of the vice chairpersons. This nomination highlights the BJP’s dedication to women empowerment in the region.

Prestigious Nomination: Recognizing Women’s Role

Chairman Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar nominated Phangnon on the Panel of Vice Chairpersons, effective from July 17, in accordance with the Rajya Sabha’s Rules of Procedure and Conduct. Grateful for the opportunity, Phangnon pledged her commitment to serve the nation with humility and dedication.

Breaking Gender Barriers: A Trailblazing Decision

The nomination of Phangnon as the second Naga woman parliamentarian is a significant breakthrough in a political landscape dominated by patriarchy and male chauvinism. The BJP’s move marks a positive stride towards promoting gender diversity and inclusivity in Nagaland’s politics.

Striving for Change: Addressing Past Challenges

Phangnon, hailing from the underdeveloped Mon district’s Oting village, emerges as a symbol of change in Nagaland. The region faced challenges, notably the 2021 incident where ‘innocent Konyak mine workers’ were killed, sparking demands for an ‘autonomous territory’ in Eastern Nagaland.

Towards Inclusive Politics: A Shift in Representation

Before the 2023 assembly elections, Nagaland had never elected a woman to its state legislature. However, this changed in the recent elections, with two women candidates from the NDPP securing assembly seats, signaling progress towards more inclusive politics.

Struggles for Gender Parity: Resistance to Women’s Reservation

Despite high literacy rates and English being the official language, Nagaland has resisted the women’s reservation bill, seeking to reserve 33% of legislative and parliamentary seats for women. A resolution opposing the bill was unanimously passed in the Nagaland Assembly in 1997, citing it as conflicting with Naga tradition.

Upholding Women’s Rights: Current Contempt Proceedings

The incumbent state government led by Neiphiu Rio under the NDPP-BJP dispensation faces ‘contempt’ proceedings in the Supreme Court for defying the court’s order related to women’s reservation in urban local bodies.

Empowering Matri Shakti in Nagaland: A Vision for the Future

Phangnon Konyak’s nomination as Vice Chairperson in the Rajya Sabha represents a significant milestone for gender representation in Nagaland’s politics. It reflects the BJP’s commitment to fostering ‘Matri Shakti’ or women power in the region, paving the way for greater gender inclusivity and empowerment in the political landscape.

Rajya Sabha Vice Chairperson – FAQs

Q1: Who is S Phangnon Konyak, and what is her recent nomination in Rajya Sabha?

Ans: The only MP representing Nagaland in the Rajya Sabha is S Phangnon Konyak. A historic nomination honouring her contributions and the BJP’s dedication to women’s emancipation has named her as one of the vice chairs of the Rajya Sabha.

Q2: What is the background of Phangnon Konyak, and how does her nomination impact Nagaland?

Ans: Phangnon hails from Oting village in the remote and underdeveloped Mon district of Nagaland. Her nomination reflects a groundbreaking decision, considering the dominance of patriarchy and male chauvinism in the state’s politics. It signals a positive step towards promoting gender diversity and inclusivity in Nagaland.

Q3: Has Nagaland faced challenges in female representation in politics before this nomination?

Ans: Yes, Nagaland had never elected a woman to its state legislature before to the 2023 assembly elections. Two female candidates from the Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) won assembly seats in the most recent elections, signalling a movement in the state’s politics towards one that is more inclusive.


  • Pritipalit

    Priti Palit, an accomplished edtech writer, boasts a wealth of experience in preparing candidates for multiple government exams. With a passion for education and a keen eye for detail, she has contributed significantly to the field of online learning. Priti's expertise and dedication continue to empower aspiring individuals in their pursuit of success in government examinations.

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