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UNESCO Advises Ban on Smartphones in Schools

UNESCO has issued a call to ban smartphones in schools, pointing to classroom disruptions and the need to prevent cyberbullying. A recent report by UNESCO indicates a “negative link” between uncontrolled mobile phone use and educational performance. More in the News The director-general of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, emphasizes the importance of regulating the use of…

By Shubham Mittal

UNESCO has issued a call to ban smartphones in schools, pointing to classroom disruptions and the need to prevent cyberbullying. A recent report by UNESCO indicates a “negative link” between uncontrolled mobile phone use and educational performance.

More in the News

The director-general of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, emphasizes the importance of regulating the use of digital technology in education. While acknowledging the potential benefits of the digital revolution, she stresses that its use should enhance learning experiences and promote the well-being of students and teachers, rather than causing harm. Azoulay urges prioritizing the needs of learners and supporting teachers, highlighting that online connections cannot replace human interaction.

This call for prohibiting smartphones in schools comes amidst a global trend of some countries already implementing such bans. However, opinions remain divided, as smartphones have also become a significant educational tool during the COVID-19 pandemic, offering access to remote learning opportunities. Striking a balance between utilizing technology for educational purposes and addressing its potential drawbacks is a challenge that educational authorities continue to navigate.


  • UNESCO’s decision to advocate for a worldwide prohibition on smartphones in schools is aimed at addressing concerns about the excessive use of digital technology and its impact on learning outcomes.
  • The organization believes that a heavy reliance on smartphones and other digital devices in the educational sector may lead to reduced academic performance and negatively affect children’s emotional well-being.


  • Excessive use of technology, both in classrooms and at home, can cause distractions and disruptions, potentially hindering the learning process. UNESCO’s recent study highlights a negative correlation between excessive digital technology use and student performance.
  • By discouraging the uncontrolled use of mobile phones in schools, UNESCO aims to prioritize enhanced learning experiences for students and support the well-being of both students and teachers.
  • The focus is on using digital technology as a tool for learning while ensuring that it does not have detrimental effects on students’ educational development.

Ultimately, the goal is to strike a balance that harnesses the potential of digital technology for education while safeguarding students’ academic and emotional growth.

Rise of Smartphones

Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of modern life. From conducting financial transactions to using social media and accessing educational resources, smartphones are essential for various tasks in today’s world.

  • According to Statista, the global number of smartphone users is expected to exceed 5.25 billion by 2023, with continued growth projected until 2028.
  • India, in particular, is set to surpass one billion smartphone users this year, as reported by BusinessLine.
  • A study by Exploding Topics reveals that people worldwide spend an average of three hours and 15 minutes on their phones each day. However, this usage varies across different countries.
  • For instance, Filipinos spend the most time on their mobile phones, with an average of 5 hours and 47 minutes per day, while Japan spends the least, with only 1 hour and 39 minutes, as reported by DataReportal.
  • Overall, mobile phones have become an integral part of daily life, facilitating various activities and connecting people globally.

Countries restricting mobile use in schools

The trend of imposing bans on mobile phones in classrooms is gaining traction in several countries due to concerns about their impact on students’ learning and well-being.

  • In the Netherlands, a ban on mobile phones in classrooms will be implemented starting in 2024, although it is not yet a legal requirement.
  • Similarly, Finland has announced plans to make legislative amendments to restrict the use of mobile devices during the school day to enhance students’ focus on learning.
  • Various states in the United States, including Ohio, Colorado, Maryland, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and California, have already banned mobile phones in class, while some schools across the country have had such bans since 2020.
  • China implemented a ban on mobile phones in schools in February 2021 to address issues related to internet and gaming addiction and to help students concentrate on their studies.
  • Australia’s Tasmania introduced a mobile phone ban in schools in 2020.
  • In 2018, France prohibited the use of mobile phones for elementary and middle school students to improve classroom concentration and combat cyberbullying.
  • While India does not have a nationwide legal ban on smartphones in schools, individual state governments and school administrations decide on the matter independently.
  • The United Kingdom (UK) has also shown support for banning mobile phones in schools to mitigate their potential negative effects on students’ education and well-being.

Pros of banning smartphones in schools

Calls for banning digital devices in schools often stem from concerns about their potential to cause distractions in classrooms, a notion that has been supported by various studies.

  • A London School of Economics research in 2015 found that banning mobile phones in schools resulted in higher test scores, particularly benefiting low-performing students. The study suggested that restricting mobile phone use could be a cost-effective measure to reduce educational inequalities.
  • Research from the University of Chicago revealed that the mere presence of cell phones can diminish people’s cognitive capacity.
  • Studies conducted in Spain and Norway reported a decrease in bullying incidents after implementing bans on mobile phones in schools.
  • However, a study in Sweden did not find any detrimental effects of banning mobile phones in classrooms.
  • Dutch education minister Robbert Dijkgraaf justified the mobile phone ban by emphasizing the need for students to concentrate and have the best learning opportunities, as scientific research indicates that mobile phones can disrupt this process.

Overall, these studies support the notion that restricting mobile phone use in schools can have positive effects on students’ academic performance, concentration, and well-being.

Arguments against the ban

Indeed, the debate over banning smartphones in schools is a complex one, with differing perspectives on their potential benefits and drawbacks.

  • Opponents of a complete mobile ban argue that smartphones can enhance the learning experience for students, promoting self-sufficiency in their educational journey.
  • They believe that these devices enable access to a vast array of educational and reading materials, particularly in developing nations where access to traditional resources may be limited. For instance, a UNESCO study found that smartphones could help millions of people gain access to educational and reading materials in regions with limited resources.
  • In developing countries, mobile reading has been seen as a potential tool to improve literacy rates, with many respondents reporting increased reading habits through mobile phones. For women living in countries with cultural or social barriers to accessing books, mobile reading offers a promising solution.
  • Research by the University of Warwick has shown that mobile phone apps can significantly improve learning in areas with limited educational resources, presenting an opportunity to revolutionize education in such regions.
  • Moreover, smartphones serve as a vital mode of communication between parents and their children in schools, ensuring safety and facilitating important interactions.

As the discussion continues, striking a balance between harnessing the educational potential of smartphones and managing potential distractions remains a crucial challenge for educators and policymakers. The goal is to find ways to maximize the benefits of digital technology in education while addressing concerns about its impact on focus and classroom disruption.

Recommendations by UNESCO

  • UNESCO’s report highlights the need for governments to take a more proactive role in regulating the use of digital technology in education. While technology can offer valuable tools for learning, the report emphasizes that the learners’ needs should be prioritized above all else.
  • The report cautions against assuming that all technological advancements automatically lead to educational progress.
  • Instead, it encourages policymakers to carefully consider the impact of digital tools on the social aspect of education.
  • Face-to-face teaching and interaction play a crucial role in the learning process, and it is essential not to overlook the human element in education.

UNESCO recommends finding a balance between leveraging technology for educational benefits and preserving the valuable aspects of traditional, in-person teaching. By focusing on the learners and their needs, governments can make informed decisions about integrating digital technology into education while ensuring that it complements, rather than replaces, face-to-face interactions and teaching methods. The ultimate goal is to enhance education globally while safeguarding the essential elements that contribute to effective and meaningful learning experiences.


What is UNESCO?

UNESCO stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations that was founded in 1945. UNESCO’s mission is to “contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and the dialogue among cultures, by promoting education, the sciences, culture, communication, and information.”

What does UNESCO do?

UNESCO’s work is divided into five main areas:
Education: UNESCO works to improve education quality and access to education for all, especially for girls and women.
Sciences: UNESCO promotes scientific research and innovation, and helps to ensure that the benefits of science are available to all.
Culture: UNESCO protects and promotes cultural heritage, and encourages cultural diversity.
Communication and information: UNESCO promotes freedom of expression and the free flow of information, and helps to develop information and communication technologies.
International cooperation: UNESCO works to promote international cooperation in all of its areas of work.

What are some of UNESCO’s most famous achievements?

Some of UNESCO’s most famous achievements include:
The World Heritage List: The World Heritage List is a list of sites that are considered to be of outstanding universal value to humanity. UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre works to protect and conserve these sites.
The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions: This convention recognizes the importance of cultural diversity and promotes the free flow of ideas and cultural expressions.
The Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage: This convention protects underwater cultural heritage, such as shipwrecks and archaeological sites.


  • Shubham Mittal

    Shubham Mittal is a renowned current affairs writer and expert in government exam preparation, inspiring readers with insightful articles and guiding aspirants with his expertise.

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