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World Athletics Day 2023 observed on 7th May

Every year on May 7th, World Athletics Day is celebrated globally to encourage people to engage in sports and exercise as a way to prevent diseases and promote good health. This day was established by the World Athletics (earlier International Amateur Athletic Federation) with the aim of inspiring people to participate in athletics and other…

By Shubham Mittal

Every year on May 7th, World Athletics Day is celebrated globally to encourage people to engage in sports and exercise as a way to prevent diseases and promote good health. This day was established by the World Athletics (earlier International Amateur Athletic Federation) with the aim of inspiring people to participate in athletics and other fitness activities. The ultimate goal of this day is to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for individuals of all ages and abilities.

The theme for World Athletics Day 2023

  • The theme for World Athletics Day 2023 is “Athletics for All – A New Beginning,” which aims to promote inclusivity and diversity in athletics and provide equal opportunities for everyone to participate in sports regardless of their age, gender, ability, or background.
  • The event’s objective is to encourage sports and physical activities across the globe, and the theme changes every year.
  • In the past, World Athletics Day has focused on different themes like promoting peace and development through sports, staying healthy and connected, training for life, and women’s leadership.

History of World Athletics Day

  • World Athletics Day was established by the International Amateur Athletic Federation (now known as World Athletics) in 1996.
  • The aim of this day is to promote the benefits of sports and exercise as a means of preventing diseases and maintaining good health.
  • It is celebrated on May 7th every year and is marked by various events and activities organized by athletics associations, clubs, and other organizations worldwide.
  • The day is dedicated to encouraging people to participate in athletics and other fitness activities, promoting awareness of the importance of exercise in maintaining good health and inspiring a love of sports and fitness among people of all ages and abilities.

Significance of World Athletics Day

  • World Athletics Day is significant because it promotes the importance of sports and exercise in maintaining good health.
  • It is an opportunity to encourage people to participate in athletics and fitness activities.
  • This day also aims to raise awareness of the benefits of sports for physical and mental well-being.
  • It provides a platform for athletes to showcase their skills and inspire others to pursue their passion for sports.
  • Additionally, World Athletics Day aims to create a sense of community and camaraderie among people who share a love for athletics and fitness.
  • Overall, this day plays an important role in promoting healthy lifestyles and encouraging people to stay active.

About World Athletics

  • The International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) was the former governing body of the sport of athletics, which was established in 1912 in Stockholm, Sweden.
  • In 2019, it was rebranded as World Athletics and remains the international governing body for the sport.
  • The headquarters of World Athletics was initially located in Stockholm from 1912 to 1946, followed by a move to London from 1946 to 1993. Later, the headquarters was shifted to its present location in Monaco.
  • The organization is responsible for organizing major events such as the World Athletics Championships, Diamond League, and World Indoor Championships, among others.
  • Its primary aim is to promote and develop athletics globally and ensure that the sport is conducted in a fair and transparent manner, with the interests of athletes at the forefront.


Where is the headquarters of World Athletics?

The headquarters of World Athletics was initially located in Stockholm from 1912 to 1946, followed by a move to London from 1946 to 1993. Later, the headquarters was shifted to its present location in Monaco.

What is the athletic day?

Athletics Day is a special day dedicated to promoting sports and physical activities worldwide. It is celebrated annually on May 7th and was established by the International Amateur Athletic Federation (now World Athletics) to encourage people to participate in athletics and other fitness activities to maintain good health and prevent diseases. The aim of Athletics Day is to promote a healthy lifestyle and to create awareness about the benefits of sports and physical activities. On this day, different events and activities are organized worldwide, including races, walks, and other sporting events, to encourage people to get involved in sports and physical activities.


  • Shubham Mittal

    Shubham Mittal is a renowned current affairs writer and expert in government exam preparation, inspiring readers with insightful articles and guiding aspirants with his expertise.

About the author

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