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Free Legal Aid and Advice through Nyaya Bandhu Program

Under Section 12 of the Legal Services Authority Act 1987, individuals who belong to marginalized or disadvantaged groups, such as Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), victims of trafficking or begging, women or children, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), and other eligible categories, have the right to receive free legal aid and advice through the Department…

By Shubham Mittal

Under Section 12 of the Legal Services Authority Act 1987, individuals who belong to marginalized or disadvantaged groups, such as Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), victims of trafficking or begging, women or children, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), and other eligible categories, have the right to receive free legal aid and advice through the Department of Justice’s Nyaya Bandhu program. This initiative aims to provide accessible legal assistance to those in need and ensure that everyone has equal access to justice, regardless of their socio-economic background.

About Nyaya Bandhu Program

Nyaya Bandhu is a program launched by the Ministry of Law and Justice to provide free legal aid to the poor and marginalized. The program was launched in 2017 and is being implemented by the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA).

Nyaya Bandhu provides legal aid in a variety of areas, including civil, criminal, and family law. The program also provides legal aid to people who are facing discrimination or who are being denied their basic rights. To avail of Nyaya Bandhu, you can contact the nearest legal services authority.


  • Nyaya Bandhu’s (Pro Bono Legal Services) main objective is to create a structured system for providing pro bono legal services throughout the country.
  • This initiative connects practicing advocates who are willing to volunteer their time and expertise with eligible marginalized beneficiaries.
  • Through the Nyaya Bandhu Mobile application (available on Android and IOS), volunteers can easily offer their legal services to those in need.
  • The initiative has also been integrated into the UMANG platform in collaboration with the technical partner CSC e-Governance Pvt. Ltd., making it more accessible to a wider audience.
  • By leveraging mobile technology, Nyaya Bandhu aims to bridge the gap between legal professionals and individuals seeking legal aid, ensuring that marginalized communities receive the legal support they require.

The Nyaya Bandhu program is a valuable resource for the poor and marginalized. The program provides legal aid to people who would otherwise be unable to afford it. Nyaya Bandhu helps to ensure that everyone has access to justice, regardless of their income or social status.

Benefits of Nyaya Bandhu

  • It provides free legal aid to the poor and marginalized.
  • It helps to ensure that everyone has access to justice, regardless of their income or social status.
  • It helps to protect the rights of the poor and marginalized.
  • It helps to promote social justice.

If you are in need of legal aid, you can contact the nearest legal services authority or the Nyaya Bandhu website for more information.


What is Nyaya Bandhu?

Nyaya Bandhu is a program of the Ministry of Law and Justice of India that provides free legal aid to people who cannot afford it.

Who is eligible for Nyaya Bandhu?

Nyaya Bandhu is available to people who cannot afford to pay for legal assistance. This includes people who are poor, unemployed, or who have low incomes.

What kind of legal assistance does Nyaya Bandhu provide?

Nyaya Bandhu provides legal assistance in a variety of areas, including civil, criminal, and family law. The program also provides legal aid to people who are facing discrimination or who are being denied their basic rights.


  • Shubham Mittal

    Shubham Mittal is a renowned current affairs writer and expert in government exam preparation, inspiring readers with insightful articles and guiding aspirants with his expertise.

About the author

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