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India Supplied Arms Worth ₹422 Crore to Myanmar Junta

India Supplied Arms worth ₹422 crore to Myanmar Junta, UN Report Reveals According to a recent United Nations (UN) report, both government-owned companies and private firms in India have provided military support to the military junta in Myanmar. The report reveals that arms, dual-use items, and raw materials worth ₹422 crores (around $51 million) were…

By Shubham Mittal

India Supplied Arms worth ₹422 crore to Myanmar Junta, UN Report Reveals

According to a recent United Nations (UN) report, both government-owned companies and private firms in India have provided military support to the military junta in Myanmar. The report reveals that arms, dual-use items, and raw materials worth ₹422 crores (around $51 million) were supplied by Indian entities. Titled “The Billion Dollar Death Trade: International Arms Networks that Enable Human Rights Violations in Myanmar,” the report exposes the role of UN member states in facilitating this trade, which directly contributes to human rights abuses in Myanmar. The findings highlight the need for greater scrutiny and accountability in international arms transfers.

More about the News

  • Arms Trade with Myanmar Junta: The UN report reveals that Indian entities supplied arms, equipment, and materials worth ₹422 crores ($51 million) to the military junta in Myanmar. These supplies were part of a larger international arms trade, with Russia, China, Singapore, Thailand, and India being major contributors.
  • Violation of International Law: The report raises concerns about the implications of India’s supply, highlighting potential violations of customary international law and international humanitarian law. The items supplied, including surveillance equipment, artillery, and missiles, could be associated with international crimes committed by the Myanmar military.
  • India’s Defense: Indian authorities argue that the supplied arms were committed to the civilian government before the coup and were in consideration of India’s domestic security concerns. They emphasize their prioritization of the interests of the people of Myanmar in their decision-making process.
  • Complicity and International Condemnation: The report criticizes UN member states for enabling the arms trade with Myanmar through complicity, lax enforcement, and easily circumvented sanctions. The military coup in Myanmar has resulted in severe human rights violations and has drawn condemnation from the international community, including India.
  • Myanmar’s Major Arms Suppliers: Russia, China, and Singapore were the major arms suppliers to the junta, with Russia having the highest import value at $406 million and China worth$267 million. The report highlights the extensive global network facilitating the arms trade and exacerbating the human rights crisis in Myanmar.

About Myanmar

  • Myanmar, also known as Burma, is a country located in Southeast Asia. It shares borders with several countries, including Bangladesh, India, China, Laos, and Thailand.
  • The capital of Myanmar is Naypyidaw. The currency used in Myanmar is the Burmese kyat (MMK).
  • The country has a rich cultural heritage and is known for its diverse ethnic groups, languages, and traditions.
  • Myanmar has experienced significant political changes and challenges throughout its history.
  • It was under military rule for several decades until a transition to civilian government began in 2011. However, in February 2021, the military staged a coup and seized power, detaining civilian leaders and declaring a state of emergency.
  • The military junta’s actions have sparked widespread protests and civil unrest across Myanmar.
  • The security forces have been accused of human rights abuses, including the use of excessive force, arbitrary arrests, and suppression of freedom of speech.
  • The situation has drawn international condemnation and calls for the restoration of democracy and the protection of human rights.

Current Situation in Myanmar

  • The military junta in Myanmar has imported arms and materials worth at least $1 billion since the coup on February 1, 2021.
  • More than 21,000 people have been arrested by the junta following the takeover and removal of the civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi.
  • In response to opposition and armed resistance, the junta has used air strikes and heavy weaponry, particularly Russian-made Mi-35 helicopters, MiG-29 fighter jets, Yak-130 light aircraft, and Chinese K-8 jets.
  • The air strikes have targeted various locations, including schools, medical facilities, homes, and other civilian sites.
  • The report highlights that despite evidence of human rights abuses, the Myanmar military continues to have access to advanced weapons systems, spare parts for fighter jets, and materials for domestic weapons production.


What military action did India take in Myanmar?

On June 9, 2015, India carried out a cross-border operation known as Operation Hot Pursuit against insurgents affiliated with NSCN-K (National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang). The operation, according to India, occurred in Myanmar and was conducted in response to an ambush on an Indian Army convoy by the insurgents in Manipur’s Chandel district.

In which act Burma was separated from India?

Burma was separated from India under the provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935. This act introduced separate provisions for the governance of Burma, thereby establishing it as a separate entity from British India. The separation took effect in 1937, making Burma a separate colony under British rule.


  • Shubham Mittal

    Shubham Mittal is a renowned current affairs writer and expert in government exam preparation, inspiring readers with insightful articles and guiding aspirants with his expertise.

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