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World Food Safety Day 2023

World Food Safety Day Logo 2023 Every year on June 7, people all over the world celebrate World Food Safety Day. This special day reminds us how crucial it is to ensure that the food we eat is safe and meets certain standards. The purpose of this day is to encourage countries belonging to the…

By Shubham Mittal

World Food Safety Day Logo 2023

Every year on June 7, people all over the world celebrate World Food Safety Day. This special day reminds us how crucial it is to ensure that the food we eat is safe and meets certain standards. The purpose of this day is to encourage countries belonging to the United Nations to give top priority to food safety regulations and join forces to keep consumers protected from illnesses caused by contaminated food.

The Theme of the World Food Safety Day 2023

The theme for World Food Safety Day 2023 is “Food Standards Save Lives”. This theme emphasizes the importance of food standards in protecting public health and ensuring the safety of food for everyone.

  • Foodborne illness is a major public health problem, affecting millions of people worldwide each year. It can cause a variety of symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and even death.
  • The WHO estimates that foodborne illness causes 600 million illnesses, 420,000 deaths, and 33 billion lost workdays each year.
  • For many individuals, the information provided on food packaging plays a vital role in determining the safety of the items they consume.
  • These food safety standards serve as guidelines for farmers and food processors, helping them ensure that the food they produce and handle is safe for consumption.
  • Food standards are set by governments, international organizations, and industry groups to ensure that food is safe to eat.
  • They cover a wide range of factors, including the production, processing, handling, and storage of food.

History of the World Food Safety Day

  • The World Food Safety Day has a relatively short history. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2018.
  • The resolution recognized the importance of food safety as a global public health issue and designated June 7 as the annual observance of World Food Safety Day.
  • The first World Food Safety Day was celebrated in 2019. The theme for that year was “Food Safety, Everyone’s Business.”
  • The initiative was led by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), two key agencies within the United Nations.
  • The primary goal of World Food Safety Day is to raise awareness about the significance of maintaining food safety standards and to promote actions to prevent, detect, and manage foodborne risks.
  • By establishing a dedicated day for food safety, the United Nations aimed to highlight the critical role of food safety in ensuring public health, economic prosperity, and sustainable development.
  • World Food Safety Day serves as a platform for governments, businesses, organizations, and individuals to come together, share knowledge, and collaborate in improving food safety practices globally.
  • These efforts contribute to the promotion of safe and nutritious food for all, ultimately safeguarding the well-being of consumers worldwide.

Significance of the World Food Safety Day

The World Food Safety Day holds significant importance in promoting and emphasizing the importance of food safety globally.

Public Health Protection

  • Food safety is closely linked to public health.
  • Unsafe food can lead to foodborne illnesses, causing serious health consequences.
  • World Food Safety Day raises awareness about the risks associated with unsafe food and encourages individuals, organizations, and governments to take necessary measures to protect public health.

Global Collaboration

  • The observance of World Food Safety Day brings together countries, international organizations, and stakeholders in the food industry to collaborate and address food safety challenges collectively.
  • It fosters partnerships and cooperation, enabling the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and resources to enhance food safety systems worldwide.

Sustainable Development

  • Ensuring food safety is crucial for achieving sustainable development goals.
  • Safe food contributes to food security, economic growth, and poverty reduction.
  • By promoting food safety practices, the World Food Safety Day supports sustainable agricultural and food production systems, minimizing food losses, and maximizing the value of food resources.

Consumer Empowerment

  • World Food Safety Day empowers consumers by raising awareness about their rights and responsibilities in ensuring safe food consumption.
  • It encourages individuals to make informed choices, read food labels, and demand safe and nutritious food.
  • Empowering consumers helps drive market forces towards safer food production and motivates businesses to prioritize food safety.

Regulatory and Policy Actions

  • The observance of World Food Safety Day provides an opportunity to highlight the importance of robust food safety regulations and policies.
  • It encourages governments to strengthen their regulatory frameworks, establish effective food control systems, and enforce compliance with food safety standards.
  • This contributes to building consumer trust, promoting fair trade practices, and enhancing the overall safety of the food supply chain.

In summary, the World Food Safety Day plays a significant role in promoting public health, fostering global collaboration, supporting sustainable development, empowering consumers, and driving regulatory and policy actions. It serves as a platform to advocate for safe food practices and encourages all stakeholders to work together towards a safer and healthier food environment for everyone.


What is the World Food Safety Day Theme 2023?

The theme of World Food Safety Day 2023 is “Food Standards Save Lives”. This theme highlights the importance of food standards in preventing foodborne illnesses and protecting public health. Food standards are set by governments, organizations, and regional or intergovernmental bodies to ensure that food is safe for human consumption. They can cover a wide range of topics, including the production, processing, handling, storage, and transportation of food.

Which organisation celebrates the World Food Safety Day?

World Food Safety Day is celebrated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The day was established in 2018 by the United Nations General Assembly through a resolution proposed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The day is officially designated to be observed annually on June 7th.


  • Shubham Mittal

    Shubham Mittal is a renowned current affairs writer and expert in government exam preparation, inspiring readers with insightful articles and guiding aspirants with his expertise.

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